Em abril de 2024, percorri o Caminho de Santiago à procura do meu refúgio - um lugar onde eu posso ser eu mesmo. Na companhia de meu marido e valendo-me de minha identidade de homem gay, franco-brasileiro, passei por lugares que espelharam minhas reflexões sobre espiritualidade, política e identidade. Cada passo trouxe consigo o calor da hospitalidade local e momentos de contemplação sobre legados coloniais e contrastes culturais. Cada fotografia capturada ao longo do caminho, acrescentou mais um tijolo às paredes de um espaço mental que agora chamo de lar.
In April 2024, I embarked on the Camino de Santiago in search of sanctuary—a place where I can truly be myself. Accompanied by my husband and drawing from my background as a French Brazilian gay man, I journeyed through landscapes that mirrored my own reflections on spirituality, politics, and identity. Each step brought encounters with the warmth of local hospitality and moments of contemplation on colonial legacies and cultural contrasts. With each photograph captured along the way, I added another brick to the walls of a mental space I now call home.
Time to say good bye
Time to say good bye
Hope is on the way
Hope is on the way
The happy old lady
The happy old lady
Reaching Spain
Reaching Spain
Crossing borders
Crossing borders
The things we abandoned along the way
The things we abandoned along the way
Displays of affection
Displays of affection
For rent
For rent
Space to come back
Space to come back